Reading List 272
More than 20 trainees and PIs from the Sensorimotor Superlab at Western University contribute to this reading list. Here are the articles that have interested us this week.
This week we continue our Journal Club feature (see below). In our lab meeting we discuss a paper from the list, and invite one of the authors to give a presentation and answer questions. We post a video of the meeting on YouTube, and we post a link to the video here.
—the superlab
C-LTMRs evoke wet dog shakes via the spinoparabrachial pathway
Zhang D, Turecek J, Choi S, Delisle M, Pamplona CL, Meltzer S, Ginty DD
Science 386:686–692
A resource efficient, high-dose neurorehabilitation program for chronic stroke at home
Arbuckle SA, Knill AS, Rozanski G, Chan-Cortés M, Ford AE, Derungs LT, Putrino D, Tosto-Mancuso J, Branscheidt M
A vector calculus for neural computation in the cerebellum
Fakharian MA, Shoup AM, Hage P, Elseweifi HY, Shadmehr R
Impaired online and enhanced offline motor sequence learning in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
Van Roy A, Dan E, Micca L, Gilat M, Chan P, Doyon J, Albouy G, King BR
Feedback control guides credit assignment in recurrent neural networks
Kaleb K, Feulner B, Gallego JA, Clopath C
NeurIPS 2024
Emergence of a brainstem somatosensory tonotopic map for substrate vibration
Lee K-S, Loutit AJ, de Thomas Wagner D, Sanders M, Huber D
Nat Neurosci:1–8
Monkeys engage in visual simulation to solve complex problems
Ahuja A, Yusif Rodriguez N, Ashok AK, Serre T, Desrochers TM, Sheinberg DL
Curr Biol
Preferential activity of dentate neurons during limb movements guided by vision
Mushiake H, Strick PL
J Neurophysiol 70:2660–2664
Continuous sensorimotor transformation enhances robustness of neural dynamics to perturbation in macaque motor cortex
Zheng C, Wang Q, Cui H
Chemogenetic dissection of the primate prefronto-subcortical pathways for working memory and decision-making
Oyama K, Hori Y, Nagai Y, Miyakawa N, Mimura K, Hirabayashi T, Inoue K-I, Suhara T, Takada M, Higuchi M, Minamimoto T
Sci Adv 7:eabg4246
Ramping dissociates motor and cognitive sequences in the parietal and prefrontal cortices
Doyle H, Yewbrey R, Kornysheva K, Desrochers TM
Dissociable effects of urgency and evidence accumulation during reaching revealed by dynamic multisensory integration
Hoffmann AH, Crevecoeur F
Rapid eye and hand responses in an interception task are differentially modulated by context-dependent predictability
Fooken J, Balalaie P, Park K, Flanagan JR, Scott SH
J Vis 24:10
Acid-sensing ion channels drive the generation of tactile impulses in Merkel cell-neurite complexes of the glabrous skin of rodent hindpaws
Yamada A, Gautam M, Yamada AI, Ling J, Gupta S, Furue H, Luo W, Gu JG
J Neurosci 44
Language enables the acquisition of distinct sensorimotor memories for speech
Lametti DR, Wheeler ED, Palatinus S, Hocine I, Shiller DM
Cognition 254:106010
Kernels of motor memory formation: Temporal generalization in bimanual adaptation
Howard IS, Franklin S, Franklin DW
J Neurosci 44
Subthalamic nucleus neurons encode syllable sequence and phonetic characteristics during speech
Lipski WJ, Bush A, Chrabaszcz A, Crammond DJ, Fiez JA, Turner RS, Richardson RM
J Neurophysiol 132:1382–1394
Rescaling perceptual hand maps by visual-tactile recalibration
Fuchs X, Heed T
Eur J Neurosci
Sensorimotor adaptation to a non-uniform formant perturbation generalizes to untrained vowels
Parrell B, Niziolek CA, Chen T
J Neurophysiol
Journal Club
This week in the sensorimotor superlab lab meeting we welcomed Laureline Logiaco from MIT/ University of Colorado to present:
Models of thalamocortical interactions in motor control (2023)
Escola GS, Lakshminarasimhan K, Logiaco L
In: The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus](Hantman AW, Cross KP, eds), pp 354–366. Oxford University Press, New York
You can look at an archive of our previous posts here:](](
Articles appear on this list because they caught our eye, but their appearance here is not necessarily an endorsement of the work. We hope that you find something on this list you might not otherwise have come across—but, as always, please read with a critical eye.